Collins Aerospace, Building 9 Renovation

Collins Aerospace, Building 9 Renovation

Westford, MA

Mechanical, Electrical and Fire Protection consulting engineering services for approximately 4,670 SCIF and SIEC areas including:  heating, ventilating, air conditioning systems, humidification and dehumidification; modifying/extending any plumbing systems; modifying/extending existing wet pipe sprinkler system except for unheated spaces of combustible construction where a dry system will be required; lighting, power, fire alarm including fire protective signaling and automatic fire detection systems, and life safety systems.

Architect:    Margulies Peruzzi Architects

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Main Office
311 Great Road
Littleton, MA 01460
Phone: 978.486.4301
Fax: 987.486.9384
Mailing Address
BLW Engineers, Inc.
P.O. Box 1551
Littleton, MA 01460-1551
Branch Offices
40 Shattuck Road
Suite 304
Andover, MA 01810